Thursday, January 22, 2009
A Good Run
Jeez. I can't believe the eagles lost. its just outrageous. I was so pumped to see them in the superbowl. oh well. The cardinals played great, and it was a great game. It was probably my second favorite game of the year. Behind beating the giants. After the first half, i had no hope. I was watching the game, constantly throwing things at the TV. However, the second half was a little better. Three straight touchdowns send me running around my house yelling of happiness. And when Tim hightower was tackled short of a first down and set up a fourth and inches, i was sure the defense would stop them. Based on last weeks performance. However, this did not happen, and the cardinals later scored on a screen pass and went up 7. The Eagles couldn't convert a fourth and 10 with a throw to Kevin Curtis that seemed catchable. Another season lost. How long till Mcnabb gets another chance. I hope he gets another. Well anyway. Im pulling for the cardinals now. I never liked the steelers anyway. I hope the Cardinals blow out the steelers to make the eagles look good for almost winning. Anyway, now that my football season is over, i have nothing to watch. Maybe some 24 here and there. And college basketball. of course. How did i forget about that? March madness, arguably my favorite season of sports starts soon. I love watching college basketball. So much. I am a Terps fan. However, since their games are rarely on, i have grown to like georgia tech, Pitt and Kansas. I love watching all college games. especially upsets. and watching duke and north carolina lose. i hate them. Well. this is what i'll be watching until, uh. its over i guess. And ill be blogging about it.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
My team, the eagles
Ok. So i'm very happy about the win. Eli, great game. Maybe next year. To bad you didn't have a 6'5 wide receiver to throw the ball in the general vicinity of. Maybe you would've won if he didn't shoot himself. ok. More importantly, the cardinals are the next test. The two teams met on Thanksgiving, with Mcnabb throwing 4 touchdowns and leading the eagles to an easy victory. However, this wont be the case this time around, as the Cardinals are playing much better. The Cardinals are a totally different test than the Giants or Vikings. They are a throwing team, and threw the ball over 65% of the time. The highest in the NFL. However, Edgerin James and the cardinals running game have played well in the two games. But. They will have to play even better against the second best running defense of the Eagles. Their defensive line and linebackers have excellent discipline and always cover their respective areas. Hopefully it will be a long day for the cardinals running game. This leaves the throwing game. I believe the Eagles can easily slow down Kurt Warner, the veteran leader. Jim Johnson must come up with various pass rush schemes to knock Warner down. I believe the Mcnabb and the eagles will easily maneuver past the 19th ranked cardinals defense. I believe time of possession will win this game. Since the Eagles defense is playing so hungrily lately, eagles win.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
daily thoughts...
Is it just me, or does everyone get extremely stressed way too often? I feel as though during the school week I am stuck in this ridiculous world of homework, reading, studying, and other school commitments. I don't regret the honors classes and extra commitments that I've made at all I just think everything has become quite repetitive. I mean I love seeing my friends at school and laughing and joking with them, but when that's not there I feel like I'm stuck in a bad dream...
Recently my school day feels like seven days in one. Classes that I used to not mind I've come to find drawn out and boring. Maybe this is just the dreaded junior year that everyone talks about. It's by this point that everyone says it gets pretty bad. Between midterms coming up and SAT classes starting soon, I'm beginning to get a little intimidated and stressed (what else is new?).
Is anyone else feeling this?
I just feel like school has become a blur and it's hard to enjoy it like I did in the beginning of the year. Anyone else on the same page? I'm just curious to see if anyone else is feeling this weird junior year school thing like I am.
There are still many good things in my life right now, which is good obviously. haha. I still have dance, my passion. Going to class every night keeps me going. It reminds me of the beautiful things in life. I remember the definition of hard work and perseverance when I'm in class. I make goals, work at them, work at them, and work at them some more until I feel satisfied with my craft. The best feeling of all is when we go to competitions and do amazing. It just makes me feel as though all of the hard and grueling rehearsals have paid off in one of the most rewarding ways possible. And not to mention all of my fantastic friends at dance. My company and I have one of the closest bonds friends can have. I will love them forever =]
Some other good stuff is always my friends and my boyfriend. They know me. They make me laugh, cheer me up, offer an ear to listen, a shoulder to cry on and what not. Ya know, all that corny stuff. haha. And someone like me, a person who just needs to vent about life or whatever is on my mind sometimes, can always use a good friend. But personally I enjoy checking up on people, and asking how their day was/how practice went/how the appointment went/how so-and-so is, so my friends always provide that voice to answer all of my questions. And when I say check up on them, I don't mean in a creepy clingy way, but rather in a concerned and interested good friend way. haha. Just making sure we're clear on that one ;]
So, those are my thoughts for the day. I definitely needed to get that off my chest. Love to hear some feedback!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Cardio Training and Eagles game prediction
Ok. now to my topic. This break i have been doing a little running here and there and i have discovered a few things about it. So i thought i would share. So i used to run all the time. Like the classic two or three mile jog around my neighborhood. This wasn't very time consuming, i just happened to think that i wasn't getting enough out of my workout. So i looked into it, and talked about it. I came up with a simple solution that makes sense. When jogging or running at a constant speed throughout the two mile run, you are not working your cells to exhaustion. In order to do this, you must be running at top speed and be winded at the end of your run. not many people can sprint for two miles. So the solution to this would be running sets of sprints at a distance you are comfortable with. After each sprint you should be winded and tired. This leaves your cells with no oxygen, however when the mitochondria produces oxygen after the workout but it will always produce more, making the cells stronger. And thats how cardio training works. So if you run at constant speed, and don;t use all your cell's oxygen the mitochondria will produce less. However, if you run your cells to exhaustion the mitochondria produces more oxygen. So yes, i recommend running sprints if one would want to get in shape. However, a nice jog here and there is also enjoyable.
Also. The Terrapins have won the huminatarian bowl. Yes!
And. The eagles made the playoffs, miraculously. Today they play their first game in their trek towards the superbowl against the Vikings. The Vikings are a run oriented team with their amazing back Adrian Peterson. They run the ball most of their plays because Tavaris Jackson, their QB is uhhh mediocre on a good day. The Eagles run a complicated defense with many blitz schemes. They bring pressure from all angles. That means if Peterson breaks the first line of defense, he will most likely break a twenty yard run. What the Eagles have to do if control the gaps at the line of scrimmage. They can not allow the vikings offensive line man to open holes for adrian peterson to run through. The Eagles line backing core will be key. The middle line backer, Stewart Bradley, will have to keep Peterson out of the middle and force him to run laterally around Trent Cole and Chris Clemmens, the Eagles quick outside lineman. This will force Peterson to try to stretch the game to the sideline, where the Eagles can use the sideline as another defender and force Peterson out of bounds. The Eagles have to stop the run. My prediction, Eagles win (surprised?) by a touchdown.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Pressing 'Refresh'
So my mom asked me to dust my room was getting a little too gross and dusty. So I woke up a little early on Sunday morning to make sure I had time to do it without killing the rest of my day. Little did I know dusting my room would turn into an all day project!

reminded me to just let it happen and wait to see the finished product. So I did. 
t it all set up.
For a while now my mom and I have wanted to move my bed to the other side of my room so it wouldn't be on the wall underneath my windows where I can sometimes feel the cool air seeping in from outside. I mean it's not like I have really crappy windows that leak, it's just that the wall that my bed was on was on the outside of the house and got colder at night (especially since it's winter time). Anyway, I decided to take this opportunity to give my room a complete facelift, my way of pressing the 'refresh' button.
I started by just going through my room, piece by piece, dusting it down and emptying out the drawers when necessary. I have to admit; I am such a pack rat! I have saved so much stuff that is useless to me and it felt so good to just throw everything away and start fresh. Starting with my nightstand and moving around my room to my dresser, then my desk and the hutch above it, then the smaller set of drawers and hutch above that, and then the magnet board on my wall. In the process of cleaning all of this out I made a big bag of clothes to donate, which I always enjoy being able to do.
So now begins the fun part... rearranging everything! If you don't know me that well I will let
you in on a little secret about myself, I'm a very organized person and love any opportunity wh
ere I can take advantage of a situation like this one. Bubbling with excitement I got started. First goal was to move my bed to the other side of the room, simple enough. Next, I had to tackle moving one of my pieces of furniture completely out of my roo
m. I emptied and cleaned out so much of my room that I could completely eliminate a whole set of 3 drawers and 3 hutch shelves. This may not seem like a big deal to you but my r
oom is not that big, so to me it's a huge deal when I can create more breathing space.
With the help of my mom, we successfully moved the shelves and drawers down to my basement. Next we slid the
computer desk and shelves down, so it was cohesive with my room's new layout.
Now at this point of my room makeover, I started to get a little nervous and worried. I felt this was because I consider my room my sanctuary, my space, my hideaway and when we started to move things around and it didn't look so fantastic at first, I got a little anxious about it. but my mom
Next we moved my night stand next to my bed, makes sense. Everything was starting to come together, and I was breathing easier. All of this was much more exciting than I thought it was going to be hahaa. We continued adjusting my furniture. First we took my dresser and moved it from it's previous wall to the one right next to that. I didn't really like the way that looked so I decided I wanted to catty-corner it. My catty-corner idea was a success and now my room was really looking good.
With some final touches the room was finished. My mom and I hung my mirror on my wall, drilled the tie backs for my curtains into the walls, and other little stuff like that. The one thing we weren't able to get done today was putting
my bamboo daybed frame on my bed. The one that I'm going to be using is my mom's old frame (which is kinds cool). I'm going to get it from my grandparents house on Monday morning (tomorrow). I'll post a picture when I ge
What w
as supposed to be a quick dusting of my room turned into an all day refresher, and I was glad it did. Who knew all of this design potential rested in my itty bitty room? I hope you guys like the way it turned out as much as I do. Let me know what you think ;]
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Hey Guys! - My Intro
Hey everyone, I'm Chelsey. So I was talking to Danny today in English and he asked me if I'd contribute to his blog, ya know to spice things up a bit: I accepted! I was considering making my own blog just to chat about things that came to mind or something I needed advice on, but i never got around to it. So when Dan asked me to help him out I thought it was a good idea considering i didn't have my own
What might I be talking about in this blog you ask? Pretty much I'll be blogging about things that happen in my life, my hobbies, friends, interesting things I hear about and much more. Feel free to read and not read whatever you'd like. I'd love to hear what you think about anything I post. Tell your friends to follow the blog!
I'll be blogging soon...Chelsey =]
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Some knowledge
Hey. Today after school and academic decathlon i went to the weight room with some friends. However, i ended up seeing Nick. Now, why am i sharing this? well. i don't really know, but i guess i'll tell you anyway. We were talking, and i realized that this kid is a freaking genius when it comes to the anatomy of the human body and its muscles. He knows just about everything. I will be working out with him soon, and I'm very excited. If anyone reading this ever wants to learn anything about working out or the anatomy of the muscular system or being healthy, just talk to him. He knows everything about it!
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